v -heden 1 het dwaas-zijn, uiting van dwaasheid: wat een ~!;2 dwaze handeling, gedachte enz.: allerlei -heden uithalen
As some of you may already know, we're also having some guests from outside the Netherlands. This page will contain some info for them so they can find their way
The date for the next Dwaasheid LAN party has been set on July 12th, 13th, 14th, 2019.
The location can be found at:
De ''Boas Estate"
Tuinstraat 12
3861 CV Nijkerk
You can easily reach Nijkerk by public transport.
From Amsterdam and Rotterdam (or any other airport) you first go to Utrecht. There you take the 'Sneltrein' to Amersfoort, which then continues as a 'Stoptrein' to Zwolle. Don't forget to get out in Nijkerk because Zwolle is a few stations too far When you are in the train towards Nijkerk give us a call. We will then arrange to have you picked up at the trainstation. You could also walk to Dwaasheid, but it's 10-15 minutes away from the trainstation by foot.
Three days without sleep is a bit much. No worries, we have a sleeping facility very nearby. But please let us know when you are comming so we can arrange transport and things like that.
The costs are very modest, apart from the fact that you pay for a planeticket Entry fee is €20,-. We will be serving a simple breakfest and you can sign up for dinner (€5) on Saturday if you'd like.
Later at night we might serve some snacks. There are also a variaty of restaurants and snackbars in town so if you'd rather go and eat outdoors, that's ok too ofcourse. Supermarkets and other stores are all in the neighbourhood as we're pretty much in the center of Nijkerk.
We'll also try to arrange a number of extra PC's so we can get as many people to play at the same time as possible. And seeing how all the dutchies have to drag their own PC's to Dwaasheid anyway I don't think we'll have a serious PC shortage
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.